$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

B. inggris berikan 4 contoh recommendation, suggestion or advice pada gambar di bawah ini​

berikan 4 contoh recommendation, suggestion or advice pada gambar di bawah ini​


1. I highly recommend that they should stop smoking for their health.

2. I think they should go to the class and stop smoking.

3. Their parents would not be happy to know their kids smoking while they still using unifrom.

4. Maybe they should not in out side classroom and smoking like that is a bad attitude, they should come in to the class.


1. I advice you them to stop smoking beecause they still teenager.

2. I don’t think that smoking is good for their health.

3. I suggest them to stop smoking.

4. It is better if they stop smoking.


Salah satu cara  paling umum untuk memberikan suggestion adalah dengan  kata kerja should seharusnya. Should ini memiliki arti yang lebih baik, dan mirip dengan bahasa Indonesia, kata should juga sering digunakan saat memberi nasehat. Di bawah ini adalah contoh dari kalimat suggestion:


  • I need to go to the doctor soon. I haven’t been feeling well lately.
  • You need to accept that university invitation! This kind of chance only come once in a lifetime.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi penjelasan tentang kalimat suggestion pada link brainly.co.id/tugas/23156819


