$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

B. inggris 1. Sarah ... the buffet while i ... to the drink.
a. Was preparing, saw
b. Was preparing, was seeing
c. Preparing, seeing
d. Prepared, saw

2. Erika : What were you doing at midnight?
Quiria : .....
a. I slept well
b. I sleep unwell
c. I was sleeping unwell
d. I am sleeping well​

1. Sarah ... the buffet while i ... to the drink.
a. Was preparing, saw
b. Was preparing, was seeing
c. Preparing, seeing
d. Prepared, saw

2. Erika : What were you doing at midnight?
Quiria : .....
a. I slept well
b. I sleep unwell
c. I was sleeping unwell
d. I am sleeping well​

- 1:    b. was preparing, was seeing.

- 2:   c. I was sleeping well.

- Discussion:

Tense yang kita gunakan pada kedua soalan ini adalah past continuous tense untuk menyatakan pekerjaan progresif di masa lalu. Dalam tense ini, kita gunakan be berupa was/were + V-ing.

Pola untuk past continuous tense:

S + was/were + V-ing + ...

Dengan ketentuan:

  • was untuk subyek berupa I, he, she, it, a name, dan a singular subject
  • were untuk subyek berupa you, they, we, names, dan a plural subject

- 1 -

Pada kalimat nomor satu bahwa itu menyatakan kedua kegiatan prepare dan see adalah bentuk dari kegiatan progresif atau sedang dilakukan oleh orang tersebut. Jadi keduanya menggunakan Verba + -ing. Karena subyeknya Sarah (she) dan I sama-sama menggunakan was jadi jawabannya adalah b. was preparing, was seeing.

- 2 -

Jika diamati dari ungkapan Erika, terdapat kata were untuk membuktikan pekerjaan yang dimaksud olehnya adalah pekerjaan di waktu sebelumnya (lalu). Sehingga jawabannya mengikuti pola di atas, yaitu c. I was sleeping unwell.

I hope my answer could be helpful. Good luck! ^.^

- Learn more:

Happy learning, my friends!

Past continuous:

  • brainly.co.id/tugas/41925494
  • brainly.co.id/tugas/41662660

Simple past:

  • brainly.co.id/tugas/41634169

Present continuous:

  • brainly.co.id/tugas/48852988

- Details

Subject: English

Material: Tenses

Level: Middle

  • Grade: 8

Keywords: past continuous, was/were + V-ing

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 8.5.9